
I became a resident of Greenpoint, Brooklyn for a week at my friend Sarah’s apartment. Also known as Little Poland, the neighbourhood is charming, with cute Polish restaurants, cafes, cupcake shops, and delicious garden markets with the best produce.

Brooklyn Bridge
My first night in town, Sarah, her boyfriend Eddie introduced me to Brooklyn’s foodie scene and we set off to the bordering neighbourhood of Bushwick to discover a famous pizzeria called Roberta’s.Even I had read about in The Independent not that long ago, so It had to be good!? Everyone was raving about it and best of all the Head Chef was one of Eddie’s friends! Getting there, was a bit hairy… walking briskly through an industrial graffiti-ridden estate with local onlookers, just to find that in the dark corner of a street you eventually stumble upon ‘Robertas’. Once in, it’s an oasis of fairy lights, a fun hipster crowd and staff who appear to have rolled out of bed by how casual the whole vibe was. It was  definitely the place to be for a chilled out Saturday. My friend Sarah also rates highly another pizza joint called Paulie Gee, which is meant to be unmissable back in Greenpoint.
At The Meatball Shop
Williamsburg is where it’s at for late night action and where foodies venture to more and more I hear. It’s no surprise, the area is packed with great restaurants. We went to The Meatball Shop which was amazing. We pulled up a stool at the bar and ordered our preferred combinations for our meatball burgers and if you can squeeze in desert, the ice-cream sandwiches looked divine. If I had had my usual second stomach for dessert that night, I would’ve opted for the peanut butter cookies with caramel ice-cream…
View from outside The River Cafe
View from inside The River Cafe
A really fancy option and excellent for both the food and the mind-blowing views over Manhattan and The Brooklyn Bridge is The River Cafe. We were lucky that the week I was visiting, it was the Dine-In-Brooklyn Week, where Brooklyn restaurants offer desirable deals and the point is of course to show off your exquisite food, So The River Cafe did exactly that… For 3 courses at $20 per head, I was expecting a nondescript, rather budget menu, where you end up getting serious food envy of the guy beside you who splashed out and went for the gold-flaked ravioli. However on the contrary, here it wasn’t a dumbed down menu, it was by far the best food I’ve had in SO long and everyone was ordering this $20 menu. Also, despite the staff’s penguin suits and general formal setting, it didn’t have a stuffy atmosphere, and the waiters in fact were all genius comics! Loved the whole thing..
NYC will be back… xoxo