Summer in Geneva

Most people only ever go “through” Geneva, with the aim of getting from the airport to the ski slopes, but it’s worth checking out this little city. In particular during the summer, I highly recommend it for anyone looking for a quick weekend escape from London. A 1hr 15 min flight, and you’ll feel a world away. It’s a peaceful and stylish lake-side city with more than watches, banks and chocolate on offer….

Lake Geneva

With a small town feel and spectacular views of Lake Geneva and the mountains, it’s a refreshing setting. It’s compact so walking around is ideal, or you can hire a bike free of charge for the first four hours through Geneva Roule – nice green initiative. Perched above the financial district and main shopping streets, the old town is my favourite part of town. It’s elegant and quaint with cobble-stone streets,  boutiques and independent art galleries. The central square of Place du Bourg-de-Four has an old bistro called La Clemence, which is one of the most popular meeting places in the summer. Its atmospheric outdoor terrace on the square is where everyone – from the locals to the thriving community of expat polyglots, get together for a glass of chilled rose.

Place du Bourg-de-Four

From June onwards, Geneva’s “lake-beaches” become the focal point for young people. Beach spots like Paquis and my favourite – Tropical Corner (by Geneva Plage) come to life, oozing a genuine beach feel with its cute gazebo bars, pebble or sand beaches, music playing from morning till late…. surprisingly it’s all very bohemian and fun! I say surprisingly, because I, as most, don’t generally associate Geneva with such a laid-back and entertaining atmosphere, as it tends to be considered… well let’s face it, a bit dull!

Food & Drink Guide:

The food is incredible in Geneva (aside from the chocolate), but it’s hard to eat cheaply here – even McDonald’s is a stretch … I mean that… however everyone needs to try this: Filets de perche. In essence – fish and chips, but guaranteed, the  most divine and sophisticated plate of fish and chips you’ll ever taste. Most restaurants in Geneva will serve this local speciality, one of my favourites is Le Perron, located at the foot of the Old Town.

If you’re after something really affordable, Chez Ma Cousine is a great option in the old town. Their slogan is ‘where we eat chicken’ and hence it serves…. chicken salad, chicken and chips, chicken soup… so you have to be a poultry lover, which  should be a winner as most people are. (I also hear on the  grape-vine that chicken is in fashion in the foodie world at the moment – new restaurants in London like Tramshed and Chicken Shop will specialise in chicken menus!) so anyway, Geneva’s own Chez Ma Cousine, is ahead of the game and is always a safe bet.

Other favourites include The Brasserie of Hotel de Ville in the old town and Brasserie Lipp, located in a shopping centre off the main high-street (this is no ordinary shopping centre, believe me), both of these offer exquisite, old-style Genevan cuisine in more traditional surroundings.

For drinks, I recommend three I highly rate: Cafe Demi Lune for a casual drink and bite to eat in the old town, L’Atelier Cocktail Club in Eaux-Vives is Geneva’s latest speakeasy-style watering hole while Halles de I’lle is perfect to kick start a weekend night. It’s in a former industrial building so it maintains a hipster vibe.